I’m pretty excited about the EB Games Expo next month. It has been quite a few years since I’ve been to anything as massive st this show is going to be. Back in the day I was a regular at the trade-only European Computer Trade Show (ECTS), but that is going to look like a farmer’s market compared to what EB Game have is store for us.
Check out their latest press release below and tell me that you are not impressed!
EB Games Expo, Sydney Showground, Sydney Olympic Park:October 5 -7
With just 31 days to go, the excitement is reaching fever pitch for Australia’s biggest video games expo, EB GAMES EXPO 2012, at Sydney Showground, Sydney Olympic Park. On show at this three day gaming nirvana are the hottest pre-released and new games and accessories – fans will be thrilled with the latest news, as organisers reveal the first round of confirmed, hands-on “playable” games at the Expo!
This line up of hands-on game play will be led by the hotly-anticipated Call of Duty: Black Ops II, which will be playable for the first time in Australia over 5 weeks ahead of its Nov. 13th worldwide launch date. In another massive cop for gamers, they will also be able to play 2013 blockbusters God of War: Ascension™, Aliens Colonial Marines, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, Injustice: Gods Among Us and Tomb Raider.
This epic line up does not stop there, with the likes of Halo 4, Assassins Creed III and Medal of Honor Warfighter all confirmed fully playable. Here is the full list ofconfirmed hands on playable games that will feature at the EB Expo 2012:
Call Of Duty®: Black Ops II (multiplayer)
Farcry 3 (Single & Multiplayer)
Halo 4
Medal of Honor: Warfighter
Aliens Colonial Marines
Epic Mickey 2
Tekken Tag Tournament 2
Forza Horizon
Lost Planet 3
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
God of War: Ascension™ (single player)
Tomb Raider
Skylanders Giants
XCOM Enemy Unknown
Need for Speed Most Wanted
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013
Silent Hill Book of Memories
PlayStation® All-Stars Battle Royale™
Dragon Ball Z Kinect
Kinect Nat Geo TV
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Borderlands 2
Wonderbook™: Book of Spells
Assassins Creed® III: Liberation (PS Vita)
Assassins Creed® III (Single & Multiplayer)
Nike + Kinect Training
Resident Evil 6
Dance Central 3
Fable the Journey
Kinect Sesame Street TV
F1 Race Stars
Just Dance 4
Ghost Recon Future Soldier
LEGO: The Lord of the Rings
Injustice – Gods Among Us
Hitman Absolution
On top of this, there’s a whole batch of the hottest new games, ready to be experienced first at EB Games Expo 2012 with playability to be confirmed in the coming weeks – check out the following:
Pokemon Black & White 2
South Park Stick of Truth
Little Big Planet Karting
Devil May Cry
Sniper Ghost Warrior 2
Sports Champion 2
Fist of the North Star 2
Company of Heroes 2
LittleBigPlanet Vita
Dancestar Party Hits
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2
And newly announced – Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Blacklist and Star Trek.
A further highlight – fans will be excited to take part in the inaugural EBX Awards, which allows gamers to vote for the most anticipated games at this year’s Expo – voting is open NOW at www.ebexpo.com.au.
This year’s EB GAMES EXPO is a three day extravaganza, set over 25,000 square metres of gaming heaven for consumers, showcasing the most anticipated games and the latest consoles, accessories, devices and all things gaming FIRST!
With up to 30,000 fans and entertainment buffs set to walk through the gates at Sydney Showground, it WILL be the biggest gaming experience Australia has EVER seen!
Vic Out.