I’ve got to say, that I’m a little bit bothered.
You see, this is the video game low season. It’s a time when PR firms send out blurb hyping games that we won’t be seeing for a few months. It’s a quiet time where gaming websites grasp every piece of news firmly like it’s a lost scripture or something.
And yet here I am with twelve-plus articles to write. What’s the matter with me. Am I getting lazy? What the fuck’s going on? And more to the point what am I going to do when the real Christmas game avalanche arrives?
Whilst an element of laziness is a factor in everything I do, or rather don’t do, I can put my tardiness down to a few things.
The first of which was the Destiny alpha and then the beta. I had no professional reason to be playing it. I wasn’t writing about it. I gave that task to Jude over at Shanethegamer.com. I couldn’t stop playing it, because it was fun to play. And this is from the guy that kind of plays ALL the games. Like liked the game so much I went out and pre-ordered it. Destiny is a game I want to play and not review.
Then there was the Last of Us Remastered. This is game that I’ve wanted to playthrough again fora while. As soon as I found out that it was coming out for the PS4 I though I’d hold off until then. I reviewed the game, but unlike my usual review playthroughs I savored the game a little too much and spent a lot of time on it.
I’ve had all these indie and early access games flooding in. Little gems each and every one of them. All taking up time I didn’t have. Whereas I though I’d be able to sum them up in a couple of hundred words I found myself waxing lyrical about the intricacies of Space Engineer, designing courses in The Golf Club, the huge body count in Life Goes On and my off-road adventures in the Russian tundra with Spintires.
At the moment I’m writing up a preview of Alien: Isolation, one of over twenty must-have AAA titles coming out in the next few months. I’m in awe of the amount of top quality games that we blessed with at the moment.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: it’s never been a better time to be a gamer.
Vic out!