All posts by Vic B'Stard

Titanfall: Single-player gaming in a multiplayer world

Titanfall: Single-player gaming in a multiplayer world

A multiplayer game with single player aspirations, is Titanfall the must-have Xbox One experience that it EA Games and Microsoft are saying it is?

When the Xbox One was unveiled, Microsoft’s original vision for an always on-console created such a backlash that the IT giant was forced to radically alter their machine prior to release. It seemed that the world was not yet really for an internet dependent console gaming experience. Continue reading Titanfall: Single-player gaming in a multiplayer world

Week in review- PS4, Thief, Freedom Cry, Fable Anniversary and Titanfall

Week in Review
Prepare for Titanfall

So I finally got a PlayStation 4. I missed out one getting one at release and since then I’d been waiting for the right moment when I can just drop the cash and walk out of the shop without having to wait for the next shipment or any of that bollocks.

Technically it’s a nice machine, but it’s still housed in a cheap, shitty plastic box just like the Xbox One. The Dualshock 4 feels solid, unlike the Xbox One controller, which feels like it’s going to fall apart in my hands. Continue reading Week in review- PS4, Thief, Freedom Cry, Fable Anniversary and Titanfall

Hands-on with Wolfenstein: The New Order

Hands-on with Wolfenstein: The New Order
“B.J.” Blazkowicz: “I hate Nazis”


I coughed and spluttered my way through the last iteration of the classic Wolfenstein franchise. The PlayStation 3 game, just called Wolfenstein, was a capable effort that just lacked something. When I heard that Bethesda were going to have another go at it I rolled my eyes. Then I actually had a go on it at a recent preview event in Sydney.

Wolfenstein: The New Order continues the story of “Office of Secret Actions” operative William “B.J.” Blazkowicz, from the previous games, as he battles against the dark forces of the Nazi SS Paranormal Division. Continue reading Hands-on with Wolfenstein: The New Order

Vic B’Stard’s week in review- Power to the player?

Week in Review
Say no to artist freedom!

So there I was just sitting there playing the Titanfall beta when it dawned on me just how under-represented I am in video games.

It’s pretty shocking really. I’ve been playing video games for thirty years and yet the industry seems to have forgotten that I exist.

I can’t recall any video game in recent years where you get to play as a slightly over-weight forty-three year-old man, continuously hassled by his two small children and worried about the size of his prostate.

I’m sure that there are plenty of us out there.

If games are to grow up and be considered art, such blatant exclusion really doesn’t move the industry forward.

Yeah, fucking, right. Continue reading Vic B’Stard’s week in review- Power to the player?

The Elder Scrolls Online: single-player adventures in a multi-player world

The Elder Scrolls Online: single-player adventures in a multi-player world
Not your daddy’s Elder Scrolls

When I first heard about The Elder Scrolls Online I was pretty disappointed with the idea. I didn’t want Bethesda working on another of those pretty mindless online games whereby you spend forever hitting rats and engaging in a ludicrous fantasy story that involves you delivering parcels.

I wanted another game like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

I think it was Skyrim’s director, Todd Howard, that countered a question regarding multi-player in Skyrim by saying that the game was all about the player. The player alone is the hero of Skyrim. The world and the narrative revolve around that one player resulting in a finely honed and delicately paced experience.

You are not going to get this sort of thing in The Elder Scrolls Online. Continue reading The Elder Scrolls Online: single-player adventures in a multi-player world

Tomb Raider patch sends PCs French

Tomb Raider
This is not the patch that you are looking for

PC Tomb Raider fans were abuzz this morning as Valve’s Steam client dropped a whopping 1GB patch for Lara Croft’s latest adventure. Coming so close to the launch of the polished-up Tomb Raider Definitive Edition on the Xbox One and PS4, PC gamers were hoping that the developers, Square-Enix, where going to show them some next-gen love.

The Tomb Raider Definitive Edition is a remastered version of the game pulled apart and rebuilt specially for Microsoft and Sony’s new consoles. The improvements to the game includes  a remodeled Lara – taking advantage of the new consoles’ processing power – including realistic hair simulation, reworked lighting, improved textures and enhanced in-game characters. Continue reading Tomb Raider patch sends PCs French

Week in review: Telstra moving nightmare, Assassin’s Creed IV, Xbox One, Lego Marvel, FIFA 14, Need for Speed and Madden NFL 25

Week in Review
Hello 2014

I’m back from an extended break part due to moving house, part due to getting wound-up by Telstra, and the rest down to having a break over Christmas. Things are getting back to normal, but first I’ve got to get something off my chest. I apologise as it’s a bit wordy and I doubt Telstra will be happy if I use their logo on what is effectively a rant.

Moving is a sod. I hate it, but I seem to do it more than most. The worst part of moving isn’t the packing, the lugging of boxes or the dragging of furniture. The worst part is sorting out the the internet. Continue reading Week in review: Telstra moving nightmare, Assassin’s Creed IV, Xbox One, Lego Marvel, FIFA 14, Need for Speed and Madden NFL 25

Xbox in review: out with the Xbox 360 in with the Xbox One

Xbox in review: Out with the Xbox 360 in with the Xbox One
A new era!

It’s that time again. The end of an era and the beginning of another. As the sun sets on the Xbox 360 and it enters it’s end of life- out to grass on a diet of lighter, more mainstream fayre, we greet it’s successor, not it’s replacement: the Xbox One.

It’s a weird time for me. The Xbox 360 marked the beginning of my new life overseas in New Zealand. Whilst a year and a bit late, the Xbox One marks a similar milestone, this time my new life in Australia. The Xbox One will be the third of Microsoft’s consoles that I’ve had the pleasure of owning, each one purchased in a different country. Continue reading Xbox in review: out with the Xbox 360 in with the Xbox One