I've just read through the first twelve issues of The Massive from Dark Horse Comics. I picked them up on a whim, the post-apocalyptic adventure-at-sea premise pressing all the right button for me.The book began as a three-part series in … Continue Reading ››
Microsoft's controversial move towards an internet controlled, digital-based DRM afflicted games marketplace has cause some debate here at Vicbstard.com.For over a week Grant and myself have been debating the merits and pitfalls of Microsoft's Xbox One strategy. Whilst I must profess to … Continue Reading ››
I've already had a sneak peek at FIFA 14, but as you'd expect the rest of EA's slate for the year ahead looks equally amazing. There's a few surprises as well, like Mirrors Edge and Command & Conquer.Check below for the E3 … Continue Reading ››
This is the first E3 that I've not actually followed 'as it happened'. With the launch of two consoles and the amount of media coverage I wasn't missing out by not staying up all night to watch a few glitzy … Continue Reading ››
Whilst I've still got a few reviews to sort out, for some reason things seem to be a bit calmer than they've been for the last few weeks.This could be just the calm before the storm, but nevertheless I … Continue Reading ››
The tube, the underground, subway or metro. Call it what you will, but there’s a lot to be said for subterranean train systems and their vital contribution to inner city transport networks. Saying that, I think that anyone that … Continue Reading ››
After a five year break the only street-racing game worth playing returns. Codemasters seem to have really outdone themselves this time with GRID 2, the long awaited sequel to Race Driver: GRID.Back in … Continue Reading ››