When I was kid back in the day, picking up a new game was a big thing for me. The game cassette would be packed in hard behind a concertinaed pamphlet that would expand to reveal the game … Continue Reading ››
I was intending to spend the week playing the most excellentDead Island (which I've now tuned to perfection on my PC, honing it into the perfect zombie apocalypse simulator). After that I wanted … Continue Reading ››
I loved the first Gears of War, right up to the last bit, which I never bothered to finish (to my shame).Gears 2 on the other hand just pissed me off. I was a bit late to … Continue Reading ››
Hands up who thinks that the PS3 earpiece/mic is a bit shite.It may be wireless as all that, but the way it hangs limply from your ear makes you look like a reject from the early 2000s, when pricks would … Continue Reading ››
It's been a few weeks now since my last daily gaming news item for Game Console on Techday.com.My new-found spare time has enabled me to get on with tieing up loose end in the … Continue Reading ››
I'm currently well and truly caught up in the hype for November's Assassin's Creed Revelations. Having reviewed the last two Assassin's Creed games, I'd be buggered if I'll spoil the gaming experience by have to rush though … Continue Reading ››
Assassin's Creed multiplayer fans used to sitting in empty game lobbies in the hope of finding a game can rejoice this weekend.Ubisoft has released a closed beta of their Assassin's Creed Revelations multiplayer game for New Zealand PlayStation Plus subscribers. … Continue Reading ››
LA Noire developer, Team Bondi has apparenty gone into administration.UK gaming vetrans, Computer and Video Games are reporting that according to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission the Aussie developer went under on 26th August.Despite rumours of a bail out from … Continue Reading ››