Category Archives: Game Reviews

Game Review: The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr (PC)

Bethesda’s acclaimed online game invites players to embark on a new adventure as The Elder Scrolls Online continues its year-long Season of the Dragon with the new Elsweyr chapter.

Set a thousand years before the likes of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls Online has provided fans of games the opportunity to experience the history of the fictional continent of Tamriel. Over the last five years the developers have been adding new areas, some familiar, some not, and retelling the legendary lore previously only recorded in books found the solo games. Continue reading Game Review: The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr (PC)

Game Review: Total War: Three Kingdoms (PC)

Creative Assembly have been sating PC owners’ lust for accessible, but deep unit-based strategy games since the original Shogun: Total War back in 2000.

For the most part their track record has been impeccable, successfully translating historic conflicts from Feudal Japan to Ancient Britain. In between we’ve visited Roman Europe, the dawn of the United State of America and Napoleon’s military career. We’ve even entered the fantasy world of Games Workshop’s Warhammer.

Total War: Three Kingdoms is the thirteenth major release in the series, in among countless expansions and DLC packs. It’s fair to say that Creative have got their game formula pretty-much polished. Continue reading Game Review: Total War: Three Kingdoms (PC)

Observation PC review

There’s reason I’m writing this review for you and I’m not, instead, an astronaut. It has less to do with my lack of a previous career in the US Airforce or a specialist doctorate, and more to do with me watching far too many unnerving sci-fi movies in my formative years, putting me off the idea for life.

Even today, I can’t pass on any TV or movie that offers spooky goings on in space. But still, the idea of being alone on a creaking spacecraft and getting a visitation from an alien intelligent scares the bejesus out of me.

Because of this, No Code’s Observation is right up my alley. Continue reading Observation PC review

Blood & Truth PlayStation VR review

For me, virtual reality has always been about the experience rather than the gameplay. Right at the very beginning, playing A Chair in a Room: Greenwater with the HTC Vive, I realised that the potential of VR was which it’s ability to immerse the player in the game environment. A Chair in a Room does this by having the player trapped and surrounded by some very unnerving goings on. The game has a massive level of immersion. I remember being amazed at detail of the toilet in the corner of my cell, with a “do not use” warning. Of course, none of this would translate well to 2D. Experiences like this, I thought, were the future of VR.

But this not really how it’s gone. Continue reading Blood & Truth PlayStation VR review