I like racing games, but far too many of the recent efforts have left me feeling a bit empty. Attention to detail and realism is one thing, but the sad fact of the matter is that most of us would make pretty poor racing drivers.Yes Forza and Gran Turismo, I'm talking about you.If you are … Continue Reading ››
Having picked up the Ultimate Fighting Championship licence following the collapse of THQ, EA Sports have not wasted any time in bringing us their mixed martial arts game, EA Sports UFC.The game features a vast amount of fighters across all weight classes, including the Woman’s bantamweight. For Kiwi’s the game includes South Auckland’s own Mark … Continue Reading ››
A few months ago I reviewed Assassin's Creed: Liberation HD for ShanetheGamer.com. Considering it was just a download-only game I managed to knock out an epic article that was almost 2000 words long. I thought I'd share the review with you, again , this time on State of Play.I can't get enough Assassin's Creed. I … Continue Reading ››
I reviewed Thief for Techday.com; their current editorial policy is for articles to be no more than 500 words. From a writers point-of-view this short length means cutting out all the crap, all the clever but superfluous bollocks that may stroke … Continue Reading ››
For Seventeen years the South Park animated TV show has been lampooning and abusing literally everyone, regardless of race, religion or political affiliation.The show's trademark and sometimes puerile humour pushes the boundaries of what is … Continue Reading ››
Since 2002’s Battlefield 1942 EA Games and Swedish developer DICE have been providing gamers with a unique multi-role first-person shooter experience. With Battlefield 2 they replaced the traditional WWII FPS setting with modern combat.The more narrative-based (and … Continue Reading ››
Guest reviewer Grant Cheetham returns to State of Play bringing us the up to speed with Ubisoft's side-scrolling motorcycle stunt game.Enjoy.Trials Evolution : Gold Edition brings the highly popular 2012 Xbox Live Arcade Trials … Continue Reading ››