According to DONTNOD, the French developer of Capcom’s Remember Me, in the future memories will be recorded. Once upon a time, such a concept would once have been exclusively in the realms of high-brow science fiction. But in a world where everybody carries … Continue Reading ››
The tube, the underground, subway or metro. Call it what you will, but there’s a lot to be said for subterranean train systems and their vital contribution to inner city transport networks. Saying that, I think that anyone that … Continue Reading ››
1910. Abilene, Kansas. A car narrowly misses a lone man on horseback. What was once the Wild West has now been tamed. After tying up his horse, aged former gunslinger and bounty … Continue Reading ››
When there's no more room in hell the dead will ruin your holiday. Well, at least that is what Dead Island: Riptide developers Techland would have us believe in their gore-fueled follow-up to the … Continue Reading ›› special guest contributor Judalene Cheetham returns with another game review. Jude has traveled all the way back to ancient Greece to bring us the secret origin of the PlayStation's iconic anti-hero, Kratos.Enjoy.God of War: Ascension is a … Continue Reading ››
As a massive fan of Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibi, it pains me to say that I never had the time to play Namco Bandai's Ni No Kuni: Wrath of … Continue Reading ››
I haven't done a PC review for a while, but having a newly reinvigorated gaming rig is changing all that; and what better way to start than to take a look at EA Games' sci-fi horror splatter-fest, … Continue Reading ››
Who doesn't like the Metal Gear solid games? Their quirky, often incomprehensible plots coupled with sometimes strange Japanese-style gameplay places them a fair bit away from the mainstream. But despite being so different, it hasn't stopped the Metal Gear … Continue Reading ››