This is a tiny little post as I’m too busy at the moment to write anything meaningful on this here site. Between other things I ‘m currently working on a piece about the weekend’s EB Expo that I’ll be putting up on here later this week.
Right now I’m concentrating on getting some shit together for and I’ve got about a hours worth of interviews to transcribe, most of which were with North Americans- who can fit about five hundred words in a minute. Continue reading Week in review: let the games begin→
This is the first E3 that I’ve not actually followed ‘as it happened’. With the launch of two consoles and the amount of media coverage I wasn’t missing out by not staying up all night to watch a few glitzy presentations. Besides, my Twitter feed was full of media peeps all tweeting exactly the same thing.
It’s been almost a year since my move from New Zealand to Australia and honestly say that my feet have hardly touched the ground. It all a blur; a whirlwind of games, events and previews. I’ve never written as much as I’ve done in the past year and things show on signs of abating.
On the review pile at the moment I’ve the DC Comics inspired beat ’em up Injustice: God Among Us, Namco Bandai’s Star Trek and Techland’s Dead Island: Riptide.
I’ve also a few bits of DLC that I need to talk about at some point, namely The Tyranny of King Washington DLC for Assassin’s Creed 3 and all those lovely bits of DLC for the most excellent Need for Speed: Most Wanted. I also need to drop some words about the Fuse and Grid 2 hands-on previews that I attended last week.
I’ve been flat out playing the last knockings of the Q4 games releases and nutting out reviews for the last few weeks, leaving no time to write any sort of missives on this here website.
Every now and again I get a game that I find difficult to review. Now I’m not talking about the time I reviewed that Xbox 360 Lips karaoke game, I’m talking about game the I find so annoying I just want to spout venom all over it.
Well, I had one recently. It’s taken me a month to review Aliens: Colonial Marines. Why? Because I initially found the game so horrible I wasn’t able write a proper review, only a whiny rant.
You see, basically, Sega and Gearbox have managed to screw up what should have been a game right up there with the likes of Killzone 3 and the possible even Halo. Instead of that level of greatness we have a game that, despite six years in development, looks god-awful and plays as just a slightly above average FPS. Continue reading Week in review: Aliens: Colonial Marines, Crysis 3 and Sniper: Ghost Warror 2→
A few days away in central Australia meant that I missed the Sim City launch day excitement. As it turns out I missed very little and, at the same time, it was all waiting for me when I got back.
So I finally sorted out a tech issue that I’ve been living with for nearly seven years.
The UK launch of the Xbox 360 happened just before I moved to New Zealand. Buying a new console to drag half-way around the world was the last thing on my mind. So I waited for the ANZ Xbox 360 launch and picked one up at the midnight launch in Auckland. Continue reading Vic B’Stard’s week in review: Xbox Live and Windows 8→