I've been flat out playing the last knockings of the Q4 games releases and nutting out reviews for the last few weeks, leaving no time to write any sort of missives on this here website.I held back on my SimCity review … Continue Reading ››
Every now and again I get a game that I find difficult to review. Now I'm not talking about the time I reviewed that Xbox 360 Lips karaoke game, I'm talking about game the I find so annoying I just want to … Continue Reading ››
A few days away in central Australia meant that I missed the Sim City launch day excitement. As it turns out I missed very little and, at the same time, it was all waiting for me when I got back.This week hasn't been … Continue Reading ››
So I finally sorted out a tech issue that I've been living with for nearly seven years.The UK launch of the Xbox 360 happened just before I moved to New Zealand. Buying a new console to drag half-way … Continue Reading ››
Holy shit, I've been biting my tongue all week. I got an email last week from Square Enix's Australian reps telling me that I could pick up a copy of the new Tomb Raider game as long as I don't speak a … Continue Reading ››
Welcome to a massive "week in review", which should really be called "the year so far". A mixture of recovering after the pre-Christmas period and tidying up other writing jobs has left me with little time to shoot the shit … Continue Reading ››
Sim City, oh how I've missed you.Sure we've had some pretenders trying to fill the city building void since 2003's Sim City 4. We've had the the fun to play, but hellishly unoptimised Cities 2011/2012 and then there was … Continue Reading ››
Well I'm back again after the Christmas break and some much-needed rest. The last six months has been a roller coaster ride that saw me moving across the Tasman, from New Zealand to Australia, and yet again just before … Continue Reading ››