Category Archives: General

Vic B’Stard’s week in review Dishonored, Doom 3, Medal of Honor Warfighter, Prometheus 3D and Avatar 3D.

Vic B'Stard
Game on!

So I’ve finally finished Assassin’s Creed Revelations to the point that I can feel comfortable embarking on Assassin’s Creed III.  A review is copy coming my way, but I intend on savoring the experience this time, so expect a review…just not straight away.

Assassin’s Creed III and Far Cry 3 are the two games that I’m actually up for purchasing on day one during the pre-Christmas release schedule. And, to that end, I’ve secured myself a copy of the posh Assassin’s Creed III Freedom Edition from my local EB Games. Expect a detailed unboxing article very soon. At the same time I’ll be dropping some cash to secure an Insane Edition of Ubisoft’s other triple-A game, Far Cry 3 which I’ll be out at the end of November. Continue reading Vic B’Stard’s week in review Dishonored, Doom 3, Medal of Honor Warfighter, Prometheus 3D and Avatar 3D.

Vic B’Stard’s week in review: EB Expo, XCOM launch party, NBA 2K13, Dishonored and Indiana Jones!

Vic B'Stard
Crazy, mad gaming week!

I’ve had the craziest, maddest and, without a doubt, busiest couple of weeks since I first started regularly churning stuff out about video games. The EB Expo, game launches and exclusive hands-on with top upcoming games are just some of the delights that have been offered to me since moving across the Tasman to this fair city of Sydney.

Moving from sleepy Wellington, New Zealand to Sydney, Australia has dumped me right in the middle of video gaming central. In a few short months I’ve have a hands-on with EA Games’ fantastic Need for Speed: Most Wanted,and sat spellbound by Ubisoft’s glorious Assassin’s Creed III in the presence of the games creators. You can read about how I got on with Assassin’s Creed III at the hands-on hosted by the game’s associate producer, Julien Laferrière, and mission director, Philippe Bergeron on the Games Console pages of, here and at Shane the Gamer, here. Continue reading Vic B’Stard’s week in review: EB Expo, XCOM launch party, NBA 2K13, Dishonored and Indiana Jones!

Vic B’Stard’s week in review- Telltale’s The Walking Dead game, The Walking Dead comic-book and The EB Games Expo

Vic B'Stard
Sorry, been busy!

Busy. Not a very good excuse, but nevertheless true. The chaotic mixture of moving country, playing Sleeping Dogs and getting back into Skyrim has taken its toll on my ability to knock out a decent bit of content for this website.

Then there was The Walking Dead. The last couple of episodes of Telltale Game’s The Walking Dead serialised game has been sitting on my hard drive for a few months (thank you steam for yet another great deal). I’d dabbled a bit with the first part, and wasn’t really in the right space for a retro-ish point and click adventure with zombies in it. With the recent release of the third episode, I though I’d have another bash as it, else The Walking Dead becomes another game in my, ever-increasing, backlog. Continue reading Vic B’Stard’s week in review- Telltale’s The Walking Dead game, The Walking Dead comic-book and The EB Games Expo

Vic B’Stard’s state of this site

Vic B'Stard
Normal service has resumed!

Just a quick word. During the move from NZ to Oz an enterprising bastard Russian hacked this site.

Not only was the site sending out loads of spam emails, but there was also some malware code in the WordPress theme header file. I’ve cleared it out now and everything is running fine. I apologise for not noticing and getting on to it earlier. Continue reading Vic B’Stard’s state of this site

VicStard’s Week in Review- Aussie, Aussie, Aussie. Oiy, oiy, oiy.

Waltzing Matilda

So I’ve successfully hopped across the ditch and I’m now bedding down nicely here in Sydney, Australia.

Dare I say it, I’m now closer to the action, what with (apparently) the worlds biggest IMAX screen on my doorstep, all those locally based ANZ games publishers and October’s fantastic EB Games Expo only a few train stops down from me. It’s all good. Continue reading VicStard’s Week in Review- Aussie, Aussie, Aussie. Oiy, oiy, oiy.

Vic B’Stard’s State of Play

Vic B'Stard
Off to Oz!

This is a shamelessly short post just to let you know that I’m still here. My move to the sunny shores of Australia is progressing and entering into its final stages. I envisage my posts being sporadic to non-existent for the next month.

That doesn’t mean that I haven’t got anything to say. A Christmas tree/Plasma screen interface has meant that I’ve ended up with a new 3D capable 42″ Panasonic ST50 plasma TV. This new bit of kit has got me going through all my 3D-enabled games to see what the fuss is all about. Watch this space for Vic B’Stard’s take on 3D gaming.

Other than that it has been a bit quite of late. The arrival of the highly regarded Max Payne 3 did seem to be set to shatter the peaceful second quarter of the year and kick off the early run up to what promises to be another Christmas of madness.

Catch you on the other side!

Vic B’Stard’s (late) week in review: Syndicate, American Nightmare, I am Alive, Silent Hill HD, Mass Effect, the Uncharted comic-book and Kinect Star Wars!

Vic B'Stard
Another late editorial!

Another (very) late week in review packed full of excuses. Thank goodness for the long Easter weekend or this mega-bumper edition of Vic B’Stard’s week in review may have never seen the light of day.

My lame excuse for missing out the last few week’s editorials is mainly due to a having to nut out a bastard of a review for The game causing the strife was Syndicate, EA Games’ reboot of Peter Molyneux’s real-time strategy game from the early 90s. Continue reading Vic B’Stard’s (late) week in review: Syndicate, American Nightmare, I am Alive, Silent Hill HD, Mass Effect, the Uncharted comic-book and Kinect Star Wars!

New geek anthem from the cast of The Guild

Geekdom's Finest

Felicia Day and her cronies from hit web show The Guild have release a video for their geek anthem, I’m the One That’s Cool.

The video highlights the day-to-day struggles that being a member of geekdom brings, waxing lyrical about having to deal with all the cool kids that may find a game of Magic: The Gathering…well…a bit sad. It is a great track and forms part of something called Geek & Sundry, Day’s new nerd hub.

Check out the video, below. Continue reading New geek anthem from the cast of The Guild