A bit late, but here is the roundup of my daily gaming news from last week on New Zealand’s technology website www.techday.com, the online home of Netguide magazine and Game Console.
Last week I looked into Ubisoft’s assault on the second-hand game market, checked out the Euro leagues taking the All Blacks Rugby Challenge, looked into Battlefield 3’s contribution to literature, got all excited about pre-ordering the new Ace Combat game and reported on Activision’s licence to remaster Bond in HD.

Ubisoft have jumped onto the online pass bandwagon and plan to charge owners of second-hand games to get access to the online component of their future games. Find out more here.

All Blacks Rugby Challenge is shaping up to be an epic game of rugby union. The announcement that New Zealand and Australian teams will be joined by a host of European teams makes the game one to look out for. Click here for more details.

Battlefield 3 fans may (or may not) be pleased to know that once they have finished the single player and beaten the multiplayer, they can continue the action by reading a BF3 paperback book. Former British SAS operative, Andy McNabb, is penning a novel based on the Battlefield 3 experience with the help of the game’s executive producer. More here.

Ace Combat: Assault Horizons promises to be the most realistic outing for the series yet. The first Ace Combat available for the PS3 comes with an extra bonus for fans that pre-order the game. Full story here.

Activision, tired of coughing up lacklustre James Bond games, has decided to buff up a sure thing and re-release an HD version of the classic N64 shooter, GoldenEye. For the first time PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC owners will be able to experience what is considered to be the only decent James Bond game ever made. Check it out here.