April sees the arrival of Codemasters’ Dirt Rally on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. In anticipation, the award-winning publisher put their money where their mouth is and set out to prove to me just how close their rally game is to the real thing.I’ve been playing Dirt Rally on PC since the game’s early access … Continue Reading ››
Open-world block-building game Minecraft gets the campaign mode you didn't know you needed in Telltale’s Minecraft Story Mode.Minecraft Story Mode follows on from the celebrated developer's other game based on popular franchises: The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us, Game of Thrones and Borderlands.The five-part game follows the adventures of Jesse, a rookie to the … Continue Reading ››
I recently caught up with EA Sports’ Creative Director Brian Hayes to talk about the new modes and other improvements in EA Sports UFC 2.Vic B'Stard:Hi Brian, thanks for talking the time out to talk about UFC 2. Now, I really enjoyed UFC, and I still give it a go now and again, but … Continue Reading ››
Ubisoft takes us back in time, to the lush, yet brutal prehistoric land of Oros, with the latest instalment of their best-selling action-game series, Far Cry Primal.I thought that 2013’s weird retro sci-fi entry, Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, was as left-field as Ubisoft could go with their Far Cry games, but I was wrong, … Continue Reading ››
It’s EA Sports’ newcomer of a franchise, the mixed martial arts fighting game UFC, that kicks of this year’s barrage of sports sims with its second outing, UFC 2.Building upon 2014’s flawed, but generally well-received EA Sports UFC, EA Canada have spent the last two years creating a feature-rich sequel that’s a marked improvement on … Continue Reading ››
I return to 2014’s The Crew, to try out the open-world racing game’s recent Wild Run expansion.Just over a year ago Ubisoft’s The Crew gave us a huge open world racer made up of a patchwork of the entire USA. As the spiritual successor to Test Drive Unlimited, it was good, but flawed. My review … Continue Reading ››
Wargaming.net, famous for it’s free-to-play World of Tanks games on console, tablet and PC as well as World of Warships on PC has just delivered a real tank to the Australian Armour & Artillery Museum in Cairns.The veteran games developer has shipped the Australian Cruiser Tank Mark 1 (AC1) from Texas, USA, to its new … Continue Reading ››
It’s time, once again to run, jump and hide from the zombie horde in Techland’s Dying Light: The Following Enhanced Edition. With a vast new area to explore, a vehicle to drive and polished visuals this may just be the excuse the you’ve needed to return to Dying Light.The Following continues the zombie-parkour gameplay from … Continue Reading ››