Pure Pool on the PlayStation 4 is the closest you can get to playing a game of pool in bar without leaving the house.You’d think that having photo-real pool balls and a table so detailed that you can see the weave of the baize would be enough.But, no.Whilst you are concentrating on potting balls all … Continue Reading ››
It was hardly going to be a big surprise, but Activision have announced that the beta of their upcoming Destiny is the biggest beta of this console generation by a “wide margin”.This announcement is perhaps a bit of a dig at EA’s similar beta for Titanfall, as developed by Respawn Entertainment- an outfit founded by … Continue Reading ››
Let me just put my cards on the table, upfront, here. Enemy Front is a pretty unpolished affair. The visuals on the Xbox 360 are a bit lacking in places- ranging from good to grotty. The movement controls take some getting used to- with a floaty skating on ice feel to them. The game's frame-rate … Continue Reading ››
I was half asleep as I was ushered into my last presentation of E3 2014. It had been one hell of a show and I was heading back home via an eleven-hour flight later that day.The presentation was for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and as the game demo started I suddenly snapped to attention.With … Continue Reading ››
It’s been a while since I’ve had the time to sit down and write an editorial piece for this site.Firstly, I hope you like the redesign. Scrubbing up the site and giving it a more modern look is something that’s been on the cards for a while now. Whilst the old green tinged site did … Continue Reading ››
I like racing games, but far too many of the recent efforts have left me feeling a bit empty. Attention to detail and realism is one thing, but the sad fact of the matter is that most of us would make pretty poor racing drivers.Yes Forza and Gran Turismo, I'm talking about you.If you are … Continue Reading ››
Time to face facts. Your Xbox 360 is almost obsolete. When the last of Microsoft’s mighty consoles rolls of the production line it will have become nothing but a toy for young kids. It’s crayon-encrusted shell protecting technology only good for entertaining children keen to play Dora the Explorer’s latest interactive adventure.But what about you … Continue Reading ››
Having picked up the Ultimate Fighting Championship licence following the collapse of THQ, EA Sports have not wasted any time in bringing us their mixed martial arts game, EA Sports UFC.The game features a vast amount of fighters across all weight classes, including the Woman’s bantamweight. For Kiwi’s the game includes South Auckland’s own Mark … Continue Reading ››