Incoming!A multiplayer game with single player aspirations, is Titanfall the must-have Xbox One experience that it EA Games and Microsoft are saying it is?When the Xbox One was unveiled, Microsoft’s original vision for an always on-console created such … Continue Reading ››
Prepare for TitanfallSo I finally got a PlayStation 4. I missed out one getting one at release and since then I'd been waiting for the right moment when I can just drop the cash and walk out of the shop without having … Continue Reading ››
“B.J.” Blazkowicz: "I hate Nazis"I coughed and spluttered my way through the last iteration of the classic Wolfenstein franchise. The PlayStation 3 game, just called Wolfenstein, was a capable effort that just lacked something. When I heard that … Continue Reading ››
Say no to artist freedom!So there I was just sitting there playing the Titanfall beta when it dawned on me just how under-represented I am in video games.It’s pretty shocking really. I've been playing video games for thirty years and yet the … Continue Reading ››
Not your daddy's Elder ScrollsWhen I first heard about The Elder Scrolls Online I was pretty disappointed with the idea. I didn’t want Bethesda working on another of those pretty mindless online games whereby you … Continue Reading ››
This is not the patch that you are looking forPC Tomb Raider fans were abuzz this morning as Valve’s Steam client dropped a whopping 1GB patch for Lara Croft’s latest adventure. Coming so close to the launch of the polished-up Tomb Raider Definitive … Continue Reading ››
Hello 2014I'm back from an extended break part due to moving house, part due to getting wound-up by Telstra, and the rest down to having a break over Christmas. Things are getting back to normal, but first I've got to get something … Continue Reading ››
A new era!It's that time again. The end of an era and the beginning of another. As the sun sets on the Xbox 360 and it enters it's end of life- out … Continue Reading ››