The Rockstar LegacyTo say that I'm excited about the imminent arrival of Grand Theft Auto V would be an understatement. I've been following the trailers and images for months, soaking up anything and everything that I could find about … Continue Reading ››
The reviews are!It's been a while since I've done a Week in review, mainly because it have been a while since I've reviewed anything. I was, however, pretty sure that some of my missives had slipped out onto the intertubes without me making … Continue Reading ››
The wrong logo, I know.A few years ago I heard word that a group of British comedians had taken part in a short film lampooning the cult 70s BBC sci-fi show, Blake's 7.The 15-minute short, entitled Blake's Junction 7, has the team arriving in … Continue Reading ››
Hoist the Black Flag!As Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag fast approaches, Ubisoft have released a pretty cool video entitled "The Actors of Black Flag". The video gives us a look at some of the characters as well as some insight into the … Continue Reading ››
Running scared!Now I fucking love zombies. They scare the shit out of me. They are the only horror genre that really gets under my skin.But I'm a bit picky when it comes to zombies in games. Whilst the likes of Left 4 Dead … Continue Reading ››
The Greatest Batman story ever told!I've just read this article over at The piece details a discussion between comic-book legend Grant Morrison and film-maker Kevin Smith.As the conversation moves onto Alan Moore and Brian Bolland's's The Killing Joke, long … Continue Reading ››
A long film gets longerIt was inevitable, I suppose, that the king of double dippers - Sir Peter Jackson - would try and wring a bit more cash out of his salivating fan base with an extended version of the first … Continue Reading ››
Riddick returns!I'm a huge Riddick fan. Pitch Black blew me away with what I still see as the most intense spacecraft crash ever put too celluloid. Riddick's video game debut in Escape from Butcher Bay is one … Continue Reading ››