The calm before the stormI've spent the last week clearing up a few gaming loose ends with the likes of Far Cry 3, SSX and Dishonored.But now is the time to stop looking back, it's time to look forward and brace ourselves … Continue Reading ››
Not bearded Nathan Drake and not Ellen Page in The Last of UsWith the world in chaos and some nefarious fungus the cause of the zombie apocalypse, … Continue Reading ››
Say you want an evolutionGuest reviewer Grant Cheetham returns to State of Play bringing us the up to speed with Ubisoft's side-scrolling motorcycle stunt game.Enjoy.Trials Evolution : Gold Edition brings the highly popular 2012 Xbox Live Arcade Trials … Continue Reading ››
According to DONTNOD, the French developer of Capcom’s Remember Me, in the future memories will be recorded. Once upon a time, such a concept would once have been exclusively in the realms of high-brow science fiction. But in a world where everybody carries … Continue Reading ››
Post-apocalyptic environmentalistsI've just read through the first twelve issues of The Massive from Dark Horse Comics. I picked them up on a whim, the post-apocalyptic adventure-at-sea premise pressing all the right button for me.The book began as a three-part series in … Continue Reading ››
The future today?Microsoft's controversial move towards an internet controlled, digital-based DRM afflicted games marketplace has cause some debate here at over a week Grant and myself have been debating the merits and pitfalls of Microsoft's Xbox One strategy. Whilst I must profess to … Continue Reading ››
EA @E3I've already had a sneak peek at FIFA 14, but as you'd expect the rest of EA's slate for the year ahead looks equally amazing. There's a few surprises as well, like Mirrors Edge and Command & Conquer.Check below for the E3 … Continue Reading ››
E3 2013 Round-upThis is the first E3 that I've not actually followed 'as it happened'. With the launch of two consoles and the amount of media coverage I wasn't missing out by not staying up all night to watch a few glitzy … Continue Reading ››