Assassin's Creed III: now for something completely different!Today is the day. Time to witness the bloody birth of a nation through the eyes of assassin Conner Kenway. Half-English and half-Mohawk his tale is one of revenge and divided loyalties. Get ready for … Continue Reading ››
Game on!So I've finally finished Assassin's Creed Revelations to the point that I can feel comfortable embarking on Assassin's Creed III. A review is copy coming my way, but I intend on savoring the experience this time, so expect a review...just … Continue Reading ››
Aliens!I'm still battling my way through the alien invasion in 2K's fantastic XCOM:Enemy Unknown. I'm also still recovering from the XCOM Sydney launch party, which I go on about
End of the Road for Ezio and AltairIt's almost that time of year again. Later this month Ubisoft will release the next chapter in what must be the most intelligent video game series ever made, Assassin's Creed III. And this year … Continue Reading ››
Medal of Honor 2010: Beards and gunsWith the release of Medal of Honor Warfighter less than a week away I thought now would be a great time to republish my review of the last game. As a fan of the original WWII based … Continue Reading ››
Crazy, mad gaming week!I've had the craziest, maddest and, without a doubt, busiest couple of weeks since I first started regularly churning stuff out about video games. The EB Expo, game launches and exclusive hands-on with top upcoming games are just some … Continue Reading ››
Local shop for local people!I was away when the long overdue upgrade to the PlayStation Store went live.I've long lamented on just how rubbish the SCEE version of the PlayStation Store looked compared to its contemporaries. Even the US version looked … Continue Reading ››
Three down. Game Over!I’m done. It's over. Three days of EB Expo. If you have told me Friday morning that I’d still be at the Expo on Sunday, I wouldn’t have believed you. Between you and I’d had enough by 11:00 … Continue Reading ››