Two down, one to go!Day two of the EB Expo is over for me. It was similar to day one, but with a load more people.There were longer lines for everything (including the EB Games store). But yesterday’s hardcore gamers suitably … Continue Reading ››
One Down, two to go!A late invite to see Master Chief awaken from his slumber at 8am this morning meant that it was a rather long day for me.Early this morning I joined a throng of representatives of the gaming press … Continue Reading ››
Not long Now!An early start for me tomorrow. My plans of a leisurely train journey over to Sydney's Olympic Park for the EB Games Expo have been thwarted by an email sent to me earlier today suggesting that I may … Continue Reading ››
Busy week!What a week it has been. After a few month unpacking as sorting out things Sydney-side, I'm back into games and other geekery. I've been reviewing, getting exclusive game hands-on, watching movies and getting excited about the upcoming EB Games Expo … Continue Reading ››
Just keeps on getting better!Exciting news for Nintendo fans from the guys from the EB Games Expo. It seems that attendees to the EB Games Expo in Sydney next month will have the opportunity to be the first to play on the new … Continue Reading ››
Free the Bohemia two!Apart from when I wade into the video game violence debate, I don't really get the chance to go all political and get upset when writing about games. I've been following the plight of two employees of game developer, Bohemia Interactive. … Continue Reading ››
Bigger and smaller at the same time!The Tokyo Games Show is starting soon, so expect lots of announcements. This one is pretty big. Sony have announced a small PS3 with loads of hard disk space. Good on them, as you can never have … Continue Reading ››
Just a logo, that's all I've got!EA and Bioware have just announced the third chapter of their Dragon Age series, Dragon Age 3: Inquisition.Here's what they've got to say about it: