Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?The guys over at Ain't It Cool News are reporting that Sir Ridley Scott is going to be directing a Blade Runner sequel.I'm not sure what is up with … Continue Reading ››
Game of the Year?It wouldn't be far from the truth to say that I brought my PlayStation 3 just so that I could play Nathan Drake's first adventure, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. Despite being a day one PS2 owner, I'd held off buying … Continue Reading ››
Oh Yes!!The wait's over. And with a tear in my eye, I introduce to you the beautiful thing that will be GTA V.I for one can't wait to go back to San Andreas.Check out the trailer below.
The gang's all here!I loved the American Pie films, the real ones, not those direct-to-video spin-offs with Stifler's brother.This sequel, featuring the original cast all grown up, looks like it's going to be a lot of fun.Check out the trailer below.
Modern WarfareI've been playing the Battlefield series since Battlefield 1942. BF:1942 was the game that really got me into multiplayer gaming. Unlike the Quakes and Unreal Tourneys, you could actually get to the top of the score table without firing a shot … Continue Reading ››
Busy. Do not disturb!After Bat-week , a long weekend here in New Zealand , a little bit of intellectual property drama and me being too busy in Arkham City to write anything, State of Play returns to normal. Well sort of, as … Continue Reading ››
Credit where credit's due.Due to an administration error, my writing credits got removed from the articles that I wrote on the Game Culture NZ website and accidentally credited to another author.As I did the writing for free, having the author credit is … Continue Reading ››
Nathan Drake: hero...or mass murderer?Sony go all Joseph Campbell on our ass with a new Uncharted 3 related video that asks "what is a Hero".As a tie-in to the upcoming Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception a host of hollywood types including Sam Rockwell, … Continue Reading ››