Apart from the Clone Wars animated series, everything that Lucasfilm has been involved in for the past twenty-five-odd years has been a bit...tainted. Sure, Indiana Jones 4 wasn't half bad, but generally the folks didn't care for it much. Then there's the Star Wars prequels.It seems … Continue Reading ››
Ninja Theory's Enslaved: Journey to the West was an ambitious undertaking. A Sci-fi retelling of an old Chinese myth. Even the mouthful of a title alluded to the game's questionable marketability.The game review below was written for the Game Console print magazine. Due to space … Continue Reading ››
I spent last night playing Ubisoft's new game, From Dust.It was pretty poor timing on my part. It was getting late and I’d yet to dream up anything for Game Console’s Friday news item. As part of my procrastination process, I'd also decided to relocate … Continue Reading ››
I've just moved the site from the comfort of wordpress.com to its permanent home at www.stateofplay.co.nz.Please adjust your links accordingly, although wordpress.com will redirect you here for the time being. You may notice a lack of functionality and the old hiccup as I configure plug-ins and edit the CSS. Hopefully it'll all be up and … Continue Reading ››
In October 2009 I was invited over to Ubisoft's Sydney offices to have a go on a few upcoming games and to have a chat with some of the folks behind them. One of the games on show was Assassin's Creed 2 and my host was … Continue Reading ››
This time of year is always a worry for me. As publishers start to release details of their Christmas games releases and the inevitable collector's editions (that I find completely irresistible), my wants list gets longer and longer, as does my financial commitment to this … Continue Reading ››
My copy of Ultimate Spider-man (or is that Ultimate Comics Spider-man..I give up) #160, the death of Spider-man issue, arrived today from my pals at Mark One Comics in Hamilton.I've not really been looking forward to it, as I've … Continue Reading ››
This isn't the first time I've started a post stating that this isn't a music site. And it isn't.I was saddened to hear of Amy Winehouse's passing on Saturday.I'm not a music connoisseur. I have a broad and jumbled musical taste that transcends style or … Continue Reading ››