As you may know, I write the daily gaming news on New Zealand technology website, the online home of Netguide magazine and Game Console.This week I reported on an internet leak, the changes to the MMO business model, the return … Continue Reading ››
This isn't a music site, I know. But I got a press release in my email box today that triggered a WTF moment that I thought I'd share.Auckland singer/songwriter Kurt Shanks, who I used to work with when I lived on the Shore, has just … Continue Reading ››
We already have web-based TV show The Guild, featuring geekdom’s favourite redhead Felicia Day. Do we need a full-on movie inspired by playing massively multiplayer online … Continue Reading ››
Vic B'Stard is setting up a new laptop at the moment. So things will be slow this weekend. Normal service will resume soon.We also have a new NZ URL to call home, so we are also in the process of switching over from to the new URL. More on this soon.Be seeing you.
Of all the super-hero movies this (northern hemisphere) summer, the only one that I'm super excited about is Captain America.Having a young family means that I now choose my movie theatre trips carefully. Thor, X-men: First Class and Green Lantern … Continue Reading ››
Codemasters has released the first in a series of developer diaries for F1 2011, the follow up to the BAFTA award-winning F1 2010. The Developer Diary features work in progress gameplay footage and stars Chief Games Designer Stephen Hood, Executive … Continue Reading ››
It has got to be said that Harrison Ford is looking old. In recent years he seems so distant in his interviews that I wondered if at was all about the paycheck and contractual obligations for … Continue Reading ››
I love free stuff. I especially love free games. Bohemia Interactive have launched the public beta of Arma 2: Free. If you have never played Arma and are even remotely interested in PC shooters then you should check out Arma 2: Free. Be warned, the … Continue Reading ››