NVIDIA has added the GeForce GTX 1060 to its family of Pascal gaming GPUs, joining the previously released GTX 1080 and GTX 1070 graphical powerhouses.The GTX 1060 delivers GTX 980-level performance whilst consuming only 120 watts of power. The new card can easily drive all the latest VR and DirectX 11/12 PC games.The GTX 1060 … Continue Reading ››
I return to the world of Warhammer, over twenty-five years after last playing the now legendary table-top fantasy role-playing game with Total War: Warhammer.When I first played the real-time strategy game, Shogun: Total War, way back in 2000, it reminded me of the childhood table-top battles I used to play using tiny metal Citadel Miniatures.The … Continue Reading ››
Battlefield developers, DICE, return to the Glass City to give us another go at EA Games’ free-running franchise with Mirror’s Edge Catalyst.2008’s Mirror’s Edge was an under-rated affair on the Xbox 360 and PS3. The parkour-inspired rooftop running became exhilarating as you got going, but these moments were short lived, coming to an abrupt stop … Continue Reading ››
The L.A. gaming extravaganza, E3, is almost upon us. But there’s another gaming expo, a lot closer to home, offering almost exactly the same experience for a lot less cash.Tickets for the EB Expo in Sydney are now on sale at www.ebexpo.com.au. Dedicated gamers will be heading to Sydney Olympic Park at the end … Continue Reading ››
Gearbox Software, creators of the seminal Borderlands series of first-person shooters brings us a new franchise with Battleborn.It seems that the retro-shooter is having some sort of renaissance at the moment which both the remake of the classic Doom and newcomer, Overwatch, employing mechanics that offer a purer gaming experience than your Call of Dutys … Continue Reading ››
Virtual reality is here, right now; but it comes at a price. Welcome to the Matrix, Neo.I've spent the last week immersed in the VR world of the HTC Vive. I'm absolutely giddy with it and hardly able to put words down without rambling like a fool. It's all I can do to write this, … Continue Reading ››
As the virtual reality race heats up, the need for a super-fast, single-GPU solution has become that much more important.With the first wave of HTC's Vive VR kit reaching the early-adopters, it’s no coincidence that NVidia have decided to roll out their next generation of Pascal GPUs.The GTX 1080 is the flagship graphics card, faster … Continue Reading ››
Deep Silver’s Homefront: The Revolution invites us to take another look at a USA on its knees post-invasion and occupied by North Korea. Whilst I enjoyed 2011’s Homefront, the game received a mixed reaction from fans, with mediocre sales likely being a contributing factor in the demise of publisher THQ.This sequel has had a somewhat … Continue Reading ››