I’m a huge Riddick fan. Pitch Black blew me away with what I still see as the most intense spacecraft crash ever put too celluloid. Riddick’s video game debut in Escape from Butcher Bay is one of the best movie to game translations ever. Sure the movie sequel, The Chronicles of Riddick, bit of a bit more than it could chew, but it was still marvelous stuff giving the bald psychopath some extra depth and the franchise a proper sci-fi mythology.
The upcoming threequel takes the series back to it’s more intimate beginnings a la Pitch Black rather than continuing the space opera of Chronicles. Personally I welcome the change of pace and I’m pretty excited to see what Vin Diesel and David Twohy have for us. The question is just how has Riddick gone from leader of the Necromongers at the end of The Chronicles of Riddick to being stranded on an alien planet in the new movie, which is simply entitled Riddick?
The recently released Riddick motion comic entitled Blindsided, below, fills in the gap quite nicely in a similar way that the Riddick anime, Dark Fury, did for the last two films.