PC Tomb Raider fans were abuzz this morning as Valve’s Steam client dropped a whopping 1GB patch for Lara Croft’s latest adventure. Coming so close to the launch of the polished-up Tomb Raider Definitive Edition on the Xbox One and PS4, PC gamers were hoping that the developers, Square-Enix, where going to show them some next-gen love.
The Tomb Raider Definitive Edition is a remastered version of the game pulled apart and rebuilt specially for Microsoft and Sony’s new consoles. The improvements to the game includes a remodeled Lara – taking advantage of the new consoles’ processing power – including realistic hair simulation, reworked lighting, improved textures and enhanced in-game characters.
As well as game enhancements, the Definitive Edition also includes all the DLC, a digital Dark Horse comic book and the interactive “making of” presentation, “The Final Hours”. The Tomb Raider Definitive Edition was released on 30th January for Xbox One and PS4.
Following the installation of the unannounced 1GB patch PC Tomb Raiders were surprised to find that the game’s dialogue was now in French. Furthermore the option to switch to English was no longer available in the pre-launch options.
Whilst there is no official word from either Steam or Square-Enix it is assumed that the 1GB download was simply the game installing the French language patch. The word on the Steam forums is that the situation is being attended to and should be remedied soon. Until the problem is fixed switch the text to English, turn on the subtitles and pretend you are watching a European movie.