Holy shit, I’ve been biting my tongue all week. I got an email last week from Square Enix’s Australian reps telling me that I could pick up a copy of the new Tomb Raider game as long as I don’t speak a word about it to anyone until 26th February.
I’ve finish the game and the verdict is… well…check out my review either here on the pages of State of Play or over at Shane the Gamer, here.

It’s not just a bit of Lara that I’ve been spreading over the internet. The other week I also spent some time with Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. The first arcade action entry into the Metal Gear series blow me away with a nice combination of button-mashing and over-the-top precision sword-play, dressed with a familiar Metal Gear feel. Very nice, indeed. Check out my review, again on Shane the Gamer, here.

Lara Croft isn’t the only veteran gaming franchise getting a bit of a modern polish up. EA and Maxis’s seminal city-building reboot, SimCity is almost upon us. Last year I got to play a some of the new game at the EA Asia-Pacific Showcase and I’ve been playing the decade-old SimCity 4 ever since, and having a blast. It all inspired me to sit down at my keyboard and put together the city-building feature article “We Built This City… The SimCity Legacy: Past, Present and Future” which you can read, here.
With the surprise drops of Tomb Raider and Metal Gear Rising out of the way it’s time for me to return to Dead Space 3, Crysis 3 and Alien: Colonial Marines. I’ll get you know how I got on and report back on my recent Microsoft tidy-up next time.